Support the Mojave Desert Land Trust

  • Make a donation

    Make a one-time donation to protect these living landscapes for generations to come.

  • Become a member

    Your continued support allows us to proactively manage conserved parcels and address threats to protected areas.

  • Donate in honor or in memory

    Make a one-time donation in honor or in memory of a desert protector.

  • Gift memberships

    A gift membership celebrates the people in your life while also protecting the fragile resources of the California desert.

  • Charity registries

    Wide open spaces, stunning sunrises and sunsets, and full moons that illuminate undulating rock formations; the Mojave Desert is synonymous with romance.

  • Donor portal

    See your donor history, cancel recurring commitments, and update your contact or payment information here.

The commitment of our donors enables us to continue doing this vital work. We are deeply grateful for the many people and organizations that support the Mojave Desert Land Trust.
For a full list of our 2023 supporters, click here.

If you are interested in supporting the Mojave Desert Land Trust as a sponsor, please e-mail